3. Ps{fฺ_ถiธวtj
- [3.1.1] Y. Shimomura and T. Tomiyama: Service Modelling for Service Engineering. In Knowledge and Skill Chains in Engineering and Manufacturing: Information Infrastructure in the Era of Global Communications, IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, Vol. 168, E. Arai, J. Goossenaerts, F. Kimura, K. Shirase (Eds.), Springer, pp. 31-38, ISBN-0387238514, 2005.
- [3.1.2] Y. Shimomura, T. Sakao, T. Hara, T. Arai and T. Tomiyama: Service
Explorer - A Tool for Service Design -. In Mechatronics for Safety, Security
and dependability in a New Era, E. Arai (Eds.), Elsevier, . 247-252,
ISBN-0080449638, 2006.
- [3.1.3] Y. Shimomura, T. Sakao, L. Petti and A. Raggi: Proposal of a Service
Design Process Model based on Service Engineering. In Tools and Methods
of Competitive Engineering, Vol. 2, pp. 1235-1236, Editors: I. Horvath
and J. Duhovnik, Eurotech 2 d. o. o. Slovenia, ISBN-9616536044, 2006.
- [3.1.4] Y. Shimomura, K. Watanabe, F. Akasaka and K. Kimita: Fan Out of
Japanese Service Engineering -the State of the Art-. In Functional Thinking
for Value Creation, J. Hesselbach and C. Herrmann (Eds.), Springer, pp.
15-20, ISBN-9783642196881, 2011.
- [3.1.5] Y. Shimomura and F. Akasaka: Toward Product-Service System Engineering:
New system engineering for PSS utilization. In Product-Service Integration
for Sustainable Solutions, H. Meier (Eds.), Springer, pp. 27-40, ISBN 978-3-642-30820-8,
- [3.2.1] H. Takeda, M. Yoshioka, Y. Shimomura, and T. Tomiyama: Analysis
of Design Protocol by Functional Evolution Process Model. In ANALYSING
DESIGN ACTIVITY, pp. 187-209, Editors: N. Cross and H. Christiaans and
K. Dorst, John Wiley and Sons, ISBN-0471960608, 1996.
- [3.2.2] Y. Nomaguchi and Y. Shimomura: Management of Design Knowledge for Knowledge-based CAD. In Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering, Vol. 2, pp. 1111-1112, Editors: I. Horvath and P. Xirouchakis, Millpress Rotterdam Netherlands, ISBN-9059660188, 2004.
- [3.2.3] T. Sakao, Y. Shimomura, M. Lindahl and E. Sundin: Applications
of Service Engineering Methods and Tool to Industries. In Innovation in
Life Cycle Engineering and Sustainable Development, CIRP Life Cycle Engineering
Seminar, D. Brissaud, S. Tichkiewitch, P. Zwolinski (Eds.), Springer, pp.
65-86, ISBN-1402046014, 2006.
- [3.2.4] G. Tian, T. Miura, T. Hara, Y. Shimomura and T. Arai: A Framework
for Service Engineering based on Hierarchical Colored Petri Nets. In Mechatronics
for Safety, Security and dependability in a New Era, E. Arai (Eds.), Elsevier,
pp. 253-256, ISBN-0080449638, 2006.
- [3.2.5] M. Lindahl, E. Sundin, T. Sakao and Y. Shimomura: Integrated Product and Service Engineering versus Design for Environment -A Comparison and Evaluation of Advantages and Disadvantages. In Advances in Life Cycle Engineering for Sustainable Manufacturing Businesses, S. Takata and Y. Umeda (Eds.), Springer, pp.137-142, ISBN-978-1-84628-934-7 (Print) 978-1-84628-935-4 (Online), 2007.
- [3.2.6] T. Sakao and Y. Shimomura: Service CAD System to Support Servicification
of Manufactures. In Advances in Life Cycle Engineering for Sustainable
Manufacturing Businesses, S. Takata and Y. Umeda (Eds.), Springer, pp.143-148,
ISBN-978-1-84628-934-7 (Print) 978-1-84628-935-4 (Online), 2007.
- [3.2.7] M. I. V. Boyonas, Y. Yoshimitsu, T. Hara, T. Arai and Y. Shimomura:
Service Analysis for Service Design Process Formalization based on Service
Engineering. In Advances in Life Cycle Engineering for Sustainable Manufacturing
Businesses, S. Takata and Y. Umeda (Eds.), Springer, pp. 155-158, ISBN-978-1-84628-934-7
(Print) 978-1-84628-935-4 (Online), 2007.
- [3.2.8] Y. Yoshimitsu, K. Kimita, T. Hara, Y. Shimomura and T. Arai: Proposal
of a Measuring Method of Customerfs Attention and Satisfaction on Services.
In Advances in Life Cycle Engineering for Sustainable Manufacturing Businesses,
S. Takata and Y. Umeda (Eds.), Springer, pp. 417-422, ISBN-978-1-84628-934-7
(Print) 978-1-84628-935-4 (Online), 2007.
- [3.2.9] K. Takahashi, A. Sugiyama, Y. Shimomura, T. Tateyama, R. Chiba,
M. Yoshioka and H. Takeda: Web-based knowledge database construction method
for supporting design. In Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management, 7th
international Conference, PAKM 2008 Yokohama, Japan, November 2008 Proceedings,
Takahira Yamaguchi(Eds.), Springer, pp.173-184, ISBN-3540894469, 2008.
- [3.2.10] S. Hosono, K. Kimita, F. Akasaka, T. Hara, Y. Shimomura and T.
Arai: Toward Establishing Design Methods for Cloud-based Systems. In Functional
Thinking for Value Creation, J. Hesselbach and C. Herrmann (Eds.), Springer,
pp. 195-200, ISBN-9783642196881, 2011.
- [3.2.11] F. Akasaka, R. Chiba and Y. Shimomura: An Engineering Method to
Support Customer-Oriented Service Improvement. In Functional Thinking for
Value Creation, J. Hesselbach and C. Herrmann (Eds.), Springer, pp. 87-92,
ISBN-9783642196881, 2011.
- [3.2.12] K. Watanabe and Y. Shimomura: Design of Cooperative Service Process
for Effective PSS Development. In Philosopher's Stone for Sustainability,
Y. Shimomura and K. Kimita (Eds.), Springer, pp. 321-326, ISBN-978-3-642-32846-6,
- [3.2.13] F. Akasaka, N. H. Nguyen, Y. Nemoto, B. Lenz, Y. Shimomura and
R. Stark: Adaptation of the Service Self Checklist for Industrial Product-Service
Systems. In Philosopher's Stone for Sustainability, Y. Shimomura and K.
Kimita (Eds.), Springer, pp. 499-504, ISBN-978-3-642-32846-6, 2012.
- [3.2.14] S. Hosono and Y. Shimomura: Towards Establishing Mass Customization
Methods for Cloud-compliant Services. In Philosopher's Stone for Sustainability,
Y. Shimomura and K. Kimita (Eds.), Springer, pp. 447-452, ISBN-978-3-642-32846-6,
- [3.2.15] T. Tateyama, K. Kimita, K. Watanabe, R. Chiba, Y. Shimomura and S. Kawata: A Service Flow Simulation Method using Multi-aspect Scene Transition Nets (STNs) Modeling. In Philosopher's Stone for Sustainability, Y. Shimomura and K. Kimita (Eds.), Springer, pp. 297-302, ISBN-978-3-642-32846-6, 2012.
- [3.2.16] Y. Nemoto, F. Akasaka and Y. Shimomura: A Knowledge-Based Design
Support Method for Product-Service Contents Design. In Philosopher's Stone
for Sustainability, Y. Shimomura and K. Kimita (Eds.), Springer, pp. 49-54,
ISBN-978-3-642-32846-6, 2012.
- [3.2.17] Y. Kurita, K. Uei, K. Kimita and Y. Shimomura: A Method for Supporting
Service Cost Analysis. In Philosopher's Stone for Sustainability, Y. Shimomura
and K. Kimita (Eds.), Springer, pp. 517-522, ISBN-978-3-642-32846-6, 2012.
- [3.2.18] S. Hosono and Y. Shimomura: Towards Establishing Production Patterns
to Manage Service Co-creation. In Product-Service Integration for Sustainable
Solutions, H. Meier (Eds.), Springer, pp. 95-106, ISBN 978-3-642-30820-8,
- [3.2.19] F. Akasaka, Y. Nemoto and Y. Shimomura: Product-Service Systems
Design focusing on System Aspect. In Product-Service Integration for Sustainable
Solutions, H. Meier (Eds.), Springer, pp. 371-382, ISBN 978-3-642-30820-8,
- [3.2.20] K. Ota, Y. Kurita, F. Akasaka, K. Kimita and Y. Shimomura: Extraction
of Customersf Potential Requirements using Service Scenario Planning.
In Product-Service Integration for Sustainable Solutions, H. Meier (Eds.),
Springer, pp. 63-74, ISBN 978-3-642-30820-8, 2013.
- [3.2.21] Y. Nemoto, F. Akasaka and Y. Shimomura: Knowledge-Based Design
Support System for Conceptual Design of Product-Service Systems. In Product-Service
Integration for Sustainable Solutions, H. Meier (Eds.), Springer, pp. 41-52,
ISBN 978-3-642-30820-8, 2013.
- [3.2.22] K. Kimita, F. Akasaka and Y. Shimomura: A Method for Exploring PSS Technologies Based on Customer Needs. In Product-Service Integration for Sustainable Solutions, H. Meier (Eds.), Springer, pp. 215-225, ISBN 978-3-642-30820-8, 2013.