4. 学会発表論文(採択審査あり)
- [4.1.1] Y. Shimomura, T. Sakao, K. Omichi, T. Widmer, Y. Umeda, T. Tomiyama
and H. Yoshikawa: Model-based Automatic Generation of Control Sequence
from Design Information. In proceedings of 1993 Annual Meeting of ASPE,
pp. 495-498, 1993.
- [4.1.2] Y. Shimomura, S. Tanigawa, Y. Umeda and T. Tomiyama: Development of Self-Maintenance Photocopiers. In Proceedings of IAAI-95, pp. 171-180, The American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 1995.
- [4.1.3] Y. Shimomura, H. Takeda, Y. Umeda, and T. Tomiyama: Representation of Design Object based on the Functional Evolution Process Model. In Proceedings of Design Theory and Methodology - DTM'95 -, pp. 351-360, The American Society for Mechanical Engineering (ASME), 1995.
- [4.1.4] Y. Shimomura, K. Ogawa, S. Tanigawa, Y. Umeda and T. Tomiyama: Development of Self-Maintenance Photocopiers. In Proceedings of 10th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning, pp. 225-234, Stanford Sierra Camp, California, 1996.
- [4.1.5] Y. Shimomura, S. Tanigawa, H. Takeda, Y. Umeda and T, Tomiyama: Functional Evaluation based on Function Content. In Proceedings of Design Theory and Methodology - DTM'96 -, CD-ROM, The American Society for Mechanical Engineering (ASME), 1996.
- [4.1.6] Y. Shimomura, Y. Umeda and T. Tomiyama: A Proposal of Upgradable Design. In Proceedings of 1st International Symposium on Enviromentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing, pp. 1000-1004, Waseda University International Conference Center, Japan, 1999.
- [4.1.7] Y. Shimomura and T. Tomiyama: Service Modeling for Service Engineering. In Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Design of Information Infrastructure Systems for Manufacturing 2002 -DIISM2002-, pp. 309-316, Osaka University, Japan, 2002.
- [4.1.8] Y. Shimomura, S. Yajima, F. N. Takada, Y. Nomaguchi, J. Ota and T. Tomiyama: Development of a Cellular Manufacturing System Based on Movable Cells. In Proceedings of The 5th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation -CIRA2003-, pp. 782-787, CD-ROM, Kobe, Japan, 2003.
- [4.1.9] Y. Shimomura, K. Watanabe, T. Arai, T. Sakao and T. Tomiyama: A Proposal for Service Modeling. In Proceeding of the Third International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing (Eco Design 2003), Tokyo, IEEE Computer Society, pp.75-80, CD-ROM, 2003.
- [4.1.10] Y. Shimomura, Y. Fujimoto, S. Yajima and S. Kondo: Proposal of Stratum-Type Manufacturing System based on Cellular Machines. In Proceedings of the 37th International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems (CIRP-ISMS2004), CIRP, pp. 181-186, Budapest, Hungary, 2004.
- [4.1.11] Y. Shimomura, T. Sakao, T. Hara, T. Arai and T. Tomiyama: Service Explorer - A Tool for Service Design -. In Proceedings of International Conference on Machine Automation 2004 -ICMA2004-, pp. 381-386, Osaka University, Japan, 2004.
- [4.1.12] Y. Shimomura, T. Sakao, L. Petti and A. Raggi: Proposal of a Service
Design Process Model based on Service Engineering. In Proceeding of the
6th International Symposium on Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering
(TMCE 2006), Ljubljana, Slovenia, CD-ROM, pp. 1665-1675, 2006.
- [4.1.13] Y. Shimomura, T. Sakao, E. Sundin and M. Lindahl: Service Engineering:
A Novel Engineering Discipline for High Added Value Creation. In Proceeding
of the 9th International Design Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Vol. 2,
pp. 999-1008, 2006.
- [4.1.14] Y. Shimomura and T. Sakao: A Service Evaluation Method for Service/Product
Engineering. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Engineering
Design -ICED07-, CD-ROM, Paris, France, 2007.
- [4.1.15] Y. Shimomura, T. Sakao, E. Sundin and M. Lindahl: A Design Process
Model and a Computer Tool for Service Design. In Proceedings of the 12th
Design for Manufacturing and the Life Cycle Conference - DFMLC2007 -, CD-ROM,
The American Society for Mechanical Engineering (ASME), 2007.
- [4.1.16] Y. Shimomura, K. Watanabe, F. Akasaka and K. Kimita: Fan Out of
Japanese Service Engineering -the State of the Art-. In Proceedings of
CIRP, IPS2 Conference 2011, pp. 15-20, CIRP, Braunschweig, Germany, 2011.
- [4.2.1] H. Takeda, Y. Shimomura, Y. Umeda and T. Tomiyama: Function Modeling: Confluence of Process Modeling and Object Modeling. In Workshop Notes of Representing Function in Design, Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Design (AID'94), pp. 39-42, 1994.
- [4.2.2] Y. Umeda, Y. Shimomura, and T. Tomiyama: Research Summary. In the Working Notes of the IJCAI-95 Workshop on Representing and Reasoning with Device Function, IJCAI, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, pp.59-65, 1995.
- [4.2.3] T. Tomiyama, Y. Umeda, T. Sakao and Y. Shimomura: Knowledge Intensive
Maintenance and Soft Machines: New Approaches toward Advanced Maintenance.
In Proceedings of IMECE96, pp. 541-548, The American Society for Mechanical
Engineering (ASME), 1996.
- [4.2.4] T. Sakao, Y. Umeda, T. Tomiyama and Y. Shimomura: Model-based Automatic
Generation of Sequence Control Programs from Design Information. in Y.
Iwasaki and A. Farquhar, Tenth International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning,
Stanford Sierra Camp, Fallen Leaf Lake, CA, USA, Technical Report WS-96-01,
AAAI Press, Melno Park, CA, USA, pp. 206-215, 1996.
- [4.2.5] Y. Umeda, Y. Shimomura and T. Tomiyama: Research Summery, Knowledge Intensive Engineering and Self-Maintenance Machines. In the IJCAI-97 Workshop on Modeling and Reasoning About Function, IJCAI, 1997.
- [4.2.6] Y. Umeda, Y. Shimomura, M. Yoshioka and T. Tomiyama: A Proposal of Design Methodology for Upgradable Products. In Proceedings of Design for Manufacturing - DFM'99 -, CD-ROM, The American Society for Mechanical Engineering (ASME), 1999.
- [4.2.7] Y. Umeda, H. Imagawa, Y. Shimomura, M. Yoshioka and T. Tomiyama:
A Proposal of Design Methodology for Upgradability. In Proceedings of Electronics
Goes Green 2000+, pp. 479 -484, 2000.
- [4.2.8] Y. Umeda, Y. Shimomura, M. Yoshioka and T. Tomiyama: A Proposal of Design Methodology for Upgradability. In Proc. of 7th CIRP International Seminar on Life Cycle Engineering, pp.90-97, 2000.
- [4.2.9] Y. Umemori, S. Kondoh, Y. Umeda, Y. Shimomura and M. Yoshioka:
Design for Upgradable Products Considering Future Uncertainly. In Proceeding
of the Second International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design
and Inverse Manufacturing (Eco Design 2001), Tokyo, IEEE Computer Society,
pp. 87-92, 2001.
- [4.2.10] 野間口大, 下村芳樹, 冨山哲男: 設計者の思考過程のモデルを利用した設計知識管理システム.
第20回設計シンポジウム講演論文集, pp. 83-90, 東京大学, 東京, 2002.
- [4.2.11] S. Kondoh, Y. Umemori, Y. Ishigami, Y. Umeda, Y. Shimomura and M. Yoshioka: Development of Design for Upgradable Products Considering Future Uncertainty. In Proceeding of Going Green Care Innovation 2002, Austria, Austrian Society for Systems Engineering and Automation, CD-ROM, 2002.
- [4.2.12] T. Tomiyama, H. Takeda, M. Yoshioka, and Y. Shimomura: Abduction
for Creative Design, in H. Lipson, E.K. Antonsson, and J.R. Koza (eds.):
Computational Synthesis: From Basic Building Blocks to High Level Functionallity,
Papers from the 2003 AAAI Symposium, 24-26 March 2003, Stanford, California,
USA, No. SS-03-02, AAAI Press, Menlo Park, CA, USA, ISBN 1-57735-179-7,
(2003), pp. 239-246.
- [4.2.13] S. Yajima, F. Takada, Y. Shimomura and T. Tomiyama: Development of Cellular Manufacturing System Based on Movable Cells. In Proceedings of the 2003 JSME-IIP/ASME-ISPS Joint Conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment (IIP/ISPS Joint MIPE), pp.77-78, Yokohama, Japan, The Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME) / The American Society for Mechanical Engineering (ASME), 2003.
- [4.2.14] H. Takeda, H. Sakai, Y. Nomaguchi, M. Yoshioka, Y. Shimomura and T. Tomiyama: Universal Abduction Studio -Proposal of A Design Support Environment For Creative Thinking In Design-. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Engineering Design -ICED03-, CD-ROM, Stockholm, Sweden, 2003.
- [4.2.15] T. Tomiyama, H. Takeda, M. Yoshioka and Y. Shimomura : Abduction
for Creative Design. In Proceedings of Design Theory and Methodology -
DTM'03 -, CD-ROM, The American Society for Mechanical Engineering (ASME),
Las Vagas, USA, 2003.
- [4.2.16] S. Yajima, Y. Nomaguchi, F. Takada, Y. Shimomura and T. Tomiyama: Strategy Design for Movable Cellular Manufacturing System. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century (LEM21), pp. 713-718, Niigata, Japan, The Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME), 2003.
- [4.2.17] T. Sakao, K. Watanabe and Y. Shimomura: A Method to Support Environmentally Conscious Service Design Using Quality Function Deployment (QFD). In Proceeding of the Third International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing (Eco Design 2003), Tokyo, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 567-574, CD-ROM, 2003.
- [4.2.18] N. Sakai, G. Tanaka and Y. Shimomura: Product Life Cycle Design
Based on Product Life Control. In Proceeding of the Third International
Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing
(Eco Design 2003), Tokyo, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 102-108, CD-ROM, 2003.
- [4.2.19] A. Matsuda, Y. Shimomura, S. Kondoh and Y. Umeda: Upgrade Planning
for Upgradable Product Design. In Proceeding of the Third International
Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing
(Eco Design 2003), Tokyo, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 231-234, CD-ROM, 2003.
- [4.2.20] G. Tanaka, N. Sakai and Y. Shimomura: Development of Pluggable LCA System. In Proceeding of the Third International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing (Eco Design 2003), Tokyo, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 687-691, CD-ROM, 2003.
- [4.2.21] Y. Ishigami, H. Yagi, S. Kondoh, Y. Umeda, Y. Shimomura and M.
Yoshioka: Development of a Design Methodology for Upgradability Involving
Changes of Functions. In Proceeding of the Third International Symposium
on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing (Eco Design
2003), Tokyo, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 235-242, CD-ROM, 2003.
- [4.2.22] Y. Nomaguchi and Y. Shimomura: Management of Design Knowledge for Knowledge-based CAD. In Proceeding of the 5th International Symposium on Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering (TMCE 2004), Lausanne, Switzerland, CD-ROM, 2004.
- [4.2.23] T. Sakao and Y. Shimomura: A Method and a Computerized Tool for
Service Design. In Proceeding of the 8th International Design Conference,
Dubrovnik, Croatia, pp. 497-502, CD-ROM, 2004.
- [4.2.24] A. Matsuda, K. Watanabe, Y. Shimomura, S. Kondo and Y. Umeda: Development of Planning Support System for Upgradeable Product Design. In Proceeding of the International Eco-Efficiency Conference / Eco-Efficiency for Sustainability: Quantified Methods for Decision Making, Leiden, the Netherlands, pp. 50, 2004.
- [4.2.25] 藤本裕, 下村芳樹, 武田英明, 吉岡真治, 野間口大: Universal Abduction Studioの提案. Design Symposium2004講演論文集, pp. 99-104, 東京大学, 東京, 2004.
- [4.2.26] 坂尾知彦, 内田誠, 原辰徳, 下村芳樹: サービス工学に基づくサービス設計支援システム-製品・サービスシステムの設計手法の提案-.
Design Symposium2004講演論文集, pp. 235-238, 東京大学, 東京, 2004.
- [4.2.27] 近藤伸亮, 石上佳照, 梅田靖, 下村芳樹, 吉岡真治: 機能変更を伴うアップグレード設計支援システムの開発. Design Symposium2004講演論文集, pp. 227-230, 東京大学, 東京, 2004.
- [4.2.28] T. Hara, Y. Shimomura, M. Uchida and T. Sakao: Proposal of a Computerized Tool for Service Design. In Proceeding of the 8th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI 2004), Florida, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 374-379, CD-ROM, 2004.
- [4.2.29] T. Tomiyama, Y. Shimomura and K. Watanabe: A Note on Service Design Methodology. In Proceedings of Design Theory and Methodology - DTM'04 -, CD-ROM, DETC2004-57393, The American Society for Mechanical Engineering (ASME), 2004.
- [4.2.30] K. Watanabe, Y. Shimomura, T. Sakao, A. Raggi and L. Petti: Application of a Service Modeling Tool to Hotel Industry. In Proceeding of the 6th International Conference on EcoBalance -Development and Systematizing of EcoBalance tools based on Life-Cycle-Thinking-, Ibaragi, The Society of Non-Traditional Technology, pp. 495-498, CD-ROM, 2004.
- [4.2.31] G. Tian, T. Hara, T. Miura, Y. Shimomura and T. Arai: A Framework for Service Engineering using Hierarchical Colored Petri nets. In Proceedings of International Conference on Machine Automation 2004 -ICMA2004-, pp. 387-392, Osaka University, Japan, 2004.
- [4.2.32] T. Sakao, Y. Shimomura, E. Sundin and M. Lindahl: Applications of Service Engineering Methods and Tool to Industries. In Proceedings of the 12th CIRP Life Cycle Engineering Seminar 2005 -Innovation in Life Cycle Engineering and Sustainable Development-, CIRP, CD-ROM, Grenoble, France, 2005.
- [4.2.33] T. Fujiwara, K. Komatsu, H. Takahashi, M. Nakazawa and Y. Shimomura:
Sensor Network Based on Mutual Communications With Reliability Index. In
Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS International Conference on Circuits and Systems,
CD-ROM, Athens, Greece, 2005.
- [4.2.34] M. Lindahl, E. Sundin, Y. Shimomura and T. Sakao: An Application
of a Service Design Tool at a Global Warehouse Provider. In Proceedings
of the 15th International Conference on Engineering Design -ICED05-, CD-ROM,
Melbourne, Australia, 2005.
- [4.2.35] E. Sundin, M. Lindahl, Y. Shimomura and T. Sakao: Need for New
Engineering Design Methodologies for Functional Sales Business -An International
Survey Concerning the Experiences of the Business Concept within Japanese
and Swedish Industries-. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference
on Engineering Design -ICED05-, CD-ROM, Melbourne, Australia, 2005.
- [4.2.36] H. Takeda, M. Yoshioka, Y. Shimomura, Y. Fujimoto, K. Morimoto
and W. Oniki: An Architecture for Designers' Support Systems with Knowledge-embedded
Documents. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Engineering
Design -ICED05-, CD-ROM, Melbourne, Australia, 2005.
- [4.2.37] A. Raggi, L. Pettil, Y. Shimomura and T. Sakao: The Service Engineering
approach to meet stakeholders’ requirements in the supply chain. In Proceedings
of the 2nd International Conference on Life Cycle Management 2005 -LCM2005-,
pp. 89-94, Barcelona, Spain, 2005.
- [4.2.38] T. Sakao, Y. Shimomura, M. Comstock and E. Sundin: Service Engineering
for Value Customization. In Proceeding of the 3rd International World Congress
on Mass Customization and Personalization (MCPC2005), HongKong, CD-ROM,
- [4.2.39] T. Sakao, Y. Shimomura, L. Petti and A. Raggi: Applying Service
Engineering Methods and Tools to Improve Various Customers Satisfaction
in an Accommodation Service. In Proceeding of the 3rd International World
Congress on Mass Customization and Personalization (MCPC2005), HongKong,
CD-ROM, 2005.
- [4.2.40] T. Sakao and Y. Shimomura: Service Engineering: A Novel Engineering
Discipline for Producers toward Sustainable Production and Consumption.
In Proceeding of the 4th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious
Design and Inverse Manufacturing (Eco Design 2005), Tokyo, IEEE Computer
Society, CD-ROM, 2005.
- [4.2.41] T. Sakao and Y. Shimomura: Service Engineering: MVC (Model for
Balancing Values and Costs): A Fundamental Model to Design Environmentally
Conscious Services. In Proceeding of the 4th International Symposium
on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing (Eco Design
2005), Tokyo, IEEE Computer Society, CD-ROM, 2005.
- [4.2.42] M. Lindahl, E. Sundin, T. Sakao and Y. Shimomura: An Interactive
Design Methodology for Service Engineering of Functional Sales Concepts
- A Potential Design for Environment Methodology. In Proceedings of the
13th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering -LCE2006-,
Leuven, Belgium, CIRP, pp. 589-594, CD-ROM, 2006.
- [4.2.43] T. Sakao, C. Oberender, N. Krone, Y. Shimomura, H. Birkhofer and
H. Reichi: Evaluating Customer Requirements in Eco-VA. In Proceedings of
the 13th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering -LCE2006-,
Leuven, Belgium, CIRP, pp. 519-524, 2006.
- [4.2.44] T. Sakao, Y. Shimomura, M. Comstock and E. Sundin: A Method of
Value Customization. In Proceeding of the 9th International Design Conference,
Dubrovnik, Croatia, Vol. 1, pp. 339-348, 2006.
- [4.2.45] M. Lindahl, E. Sundin, Y. Shimomura and T. Sakao: An Interactive Design Model for Service Engineering of Functional Sales Offers. In Proceeding of the 9th International Design Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Vol. 2, pp. 897-904, 2006.
- [4.2.46] 原辰徳, 新井民夫, 下村芳樹: サービセット概念を用いたサービスの論理モデルの構築.
Design Symposium2006講演論文集, pp. 187-192, 早稲田大学, 東京, 2006.
- [4.2.47] 吉光陽平, 原辰徳, 新井民夫, 下村芳樹: サービス設計支援システムService
Explorer Ξの開発. Design Symposium2006講演論文集, pp. 193-198, 早稲田大学,
東京, 2006.
- [4.2.48] 木見田康治, 常田明良, 下村芳樹, 原辰徳, 新井民夫: 価値/コストバランスモデルに基づくサービス設計解評価.
Design Symposium2006講演論文集, pp. 167-170, 早稲田大学, 東京, 2006.
- [4.2.49] 鈴木遼, 下村芳樹, 原辰徳, 新井民夫, 川田誠一: 場面遷移ネット手法に基づくサービスフローシミュレーション.
Design Symposium2006講演論文集, 163-166, 早稲田大学, 東京, 2006.
- [4.2.50] 吉岡真治, 佐藤孝彦, 杉山明紀, 森本憲悟, 武田英明, 下村芳樹: 創造的設計のための仮説的知識生成支援の研究.
Design Symposium2006講演論文集, pp. 95-100, 早稲田大学, 東京, 2006.
- [4.2.51] K. Kimita, M. Kuboki, T. Sakao and Y. Shimomura: Evaluating Customer
Requirements for Eco-Value Aanalysis. In Proceedings of the 7th International
Conference on EcoBalance, CD-ROM, Epochal Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 2006.
- [4.2.52] T. Tateyama, S. Kawata and Y. Shimomura: A Reinforcement Learning
Algorithm for Continuous StateSpaces Using Multiple Fuzzy-ART Networks.
In Proceedings of SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference 2006, pp. 2445-2550,
Busan, Korea, 2006.
- [4.2.53] N. Kubota and Y. Shimomura: Human-Friendly Networked Partner Robots
toward Sophisticated Service for a Community. In Proceedings of SICE-ICASE
International Joint Conference 2006, pp. 4861-4866, Busan, Korea, 2006.
- [4.2.54] Y. Yoshimitsu, T. Hara, T. Arai and Y. Shimomura: An Evaluation
Method for Service in the Point of Customers' View. In Proceedings of IEEE
International Conference Service Systems and Service Management 2006 (SC
SSSM 2006), pp. 7-12, Troyes, France, 2006.
- [4.2.55] T. Hara, T. Arai and Y. Shimomura: A Concept of Service Engineering:
A Modeling Method and a Tool for Service Design. In Proceedings of IEEE
International Conference Service Systems and Service Management 2006 (SC
SSSM 2006), pp. 13-17, Troyes, France, 2006.
- [4.2.56] T. Tateyama, S. Kawata and Y. Shimomura: Parallel Reinforcement
Learning Systems including Exploration-oriented Agents. In Proceedings
of Joint 3rd International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent
Systems and 7th International Symposium on advanced Intelligent Systems
(SCIS & ISIS 2006), pp. 1471-1475, Tokyo, Japan, 2006.
- [4.2.57] 木見田康治, 下村芳樹, 新井民夫, 吉光陽平: 価値重要度概念に基づく顧客価値変化モデルの提案.
第6回シナリオ創発ワークショップ講演論文集, 東京, 情報処理学会ユーザスタディフォーラム/博報堂フォーサイト,
pp. 48-55, 2007.
- [4.2.58] M. Lindahl, E. Sundin, T. Sakao and Y. Shimomura: Integrated Product and Service Engineering versus Design for Environment -A Comparison and Evaluation of Advantages and Disadvantages. In Proceedings of the 14th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering -LCE2007-, Tokyo, Japan, CIRP, pp. 137-142, CD-ROM, 2007.
- [4.2.59] M. I. V. Boyonas, Y. Yoshimitsu, T. Hara, T. Arai and Y. Shimomura:
Service Analysis for Service Design Process Formalization based on Service
Engineering. In Proceedings of the 14th CIRP International Conference on
Life Cycle Engineering -LCE2007-, Tokyo, Japan, CIRP, pp. 155-158, CD-ROM,
- [4.2.60] Y. Yoshimitsu, K. Kimita, T. Hara, Y. Shimomura and T. Arai: Proposal
of a Measuring Method of Customer’s Attention and Satisfaction on Services.
In Proceedings of the 14th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle
Engineering -LCE2007-, Tokyo, Japan, CIRP, pp. 417-422, CD-ROM, 2007.
- [4.2.61] T. Sakao and Y. Shimomura: Service CAD System to Support Servicification
of Manufactures. In Proceedings of the 14th CIRP International Conference
on Life Cycle Engineering -LCE2007-, Tokyo, Japan, CIRP, pp.143-148, CD-ROM,
- [4.2.62] T. Arai, Y. Shimomura, T. Hara and Y. Yoshimitsu: Service Engineering:
a CAD system of service to evaluate satisfaction of products. In Proceedings
of IEEE Joint Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC07) and Enterprise
Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services (EEE07), Tokyo, Japan, IEEE, pp. 485-486,
- [4.2.63] T. Hara, T. Arai, Y. Shimomura and T. Sakao: Service/Product Engineering:
a new discipline for value production. In Proceedings of the 19th International
Conference on Production Research (ICPR-19), Valparaiso, Chile, CD-ROM,
- [4.2.64] E. Sundin, M. Lindahl, M. Comstock, Y. Shimomura and T. Sakao:
Integrated Product and Service Engineering Enabling Mass Customization.
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Production Research
(ICPR-19), Valparaiso, Chile, CD-ROM, 2007.
- [4.2.65] T. Tateyama, S. Kawata and Y. Shimomura: Parallel Reinforcement
Learning Systems Using Exploration Agents and Dyna-Q Algorithm. In Proceedings
of International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Information
Technology 2007 (SICE Annual Conference 2007), Kagawa, Japan, pp. 2774-2778,
CD-ROM, 2007.
- [4.2.66] K. Kimita, Y. Shimomura and T. Sakao: A Method for Understanding
Customer Demands based on Extended Eco-VA. In Proceedings of the 4th International
Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century (LEM21), Fukuoka,
Japan, CD-ROM, 2007.
- [4.2.67] Y. Yoshimitsu, K. Kimita, T. Arai and Y. Shimomura: Proposal of
a Measuring Method of Customers' Satisfaction on Services. In Proceedings
of the 4th International Conference on Innovation and Management (ICIM2007),
Yamaguchi, Japan, pp. 205-211, 2007.
- [4.2.68] K. Kimita, Y. Yoshimitsu, Y. Shimomura and T. Arai: Model of Customers’
Value based on Service Perceived Quality. In Proceedings of the 4th International
Conference on Innovation and Management (ICIM2007), Yamaguchi, Japan, pp.
219-225, 2007.
- [4.2.69] K. Kimita, Y. Shimomura and T. Sakao: Customer-Oriented Design
Method Based on Extended Eco-VA. In Proceeding of the 5th International
Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing
(Eco Design 2007), Tokyo, Union of EcoDesigners and IEEE Computer Society,
CD-ROM, 2007.
- [4.2.70] K. Kimita, Y. Yoshimitsu, Y. Shimomura and T. Arai: A customers'
value model for sustainable service design. In Proceedings of the 15th
CIRP Life Cycle Engineering Seminar 2008, CIRP, CD-ROM, Sydney, Australia,
- [4.2.71] T. Hara, T. Arai, Y. Shimomura and T. Sakao: Service CAD System
to Integrate Product Behavior and Service Activity for Total Value. In
Proceedings of the 15th CIRP Life Cycle Engineering Seminar 2008, CIRP,
CD-ROM, Sydney, Australia, 2008.
- [4.2.72] Y. Yoshimitsu, K. Kimita, T. Arai and Y. Shimomura: Analysis of
Service using an Evaluation Model of Customer Satisfaction. In Proceedings
of the 15th CIRP Life Cycle Engineering Seminar 2008, CIRP, CD-ROM, Sydney,
Australia, 2008.
- [4.2.73] T. Hara, T. Arai and Y. Shimomura: Integrating function model and activity model for design of service. In Proceedings of the 41st CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, CIRP, pp. 531-536, Tokyo, Japan, 2008.
- [4.2.74] K. Kimita, T. Hara, Y. Shimomura and T. Arai: Cost Evaluation
Method for Service Design Based on Activity Based Costing. In Proceedings
of the 41st CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, CIRP, pp. 477-480,
Tokyo, Japan, 2008.
- [4.2.75] Y. Akiyama, Y. Shimomura and T. Arai: A Method for Supporting
Conflict Solving for Service Design. In Proceedings of the 41st CIRP Conference
on Manufacturing Systems, CIRP, pp. 489-494, Tokyo, Japan, 2008.
- [4.2.76] K. Harada, T. Arai, T. Hara and Y. Shimomura: Definition of Design
Operation for Service. In Proceedings of the 41st CIRP Conference on Manufacturing
Systems, CIRP, pp. 481-484, Tokyo, Japan, 2008.
- [4.2.77] T. Tateyama, S. Kawata and Y. Shimomura: Service Flow Simulation
Using Reinforcement Learning Models and Scene Transition Nets. In Proceedings
of International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Information
Technology 2008 (SICE Annual Conference 2008), Tokyo, Japan, pp. 2056-2061,
CD-ROM, 2008.
- [4.2.78] T. Hara, T. Arai and Y. Shimomura: Integrated Representation of
Function, Service Activity, and Product Behavior for Service Development.
In Proceedings of the 13th Design for Manufacturing and the Life Cycle
Conference - DFMLC2008 -, CD-ROM, The American Society for Mechanical Engineering
(ASME), 2008.
- [4.2.79] K. Kimita, Y. Shimomura and T. Arai: A Customers' Value Model
for Sustainable Service Design. In Proceedings of the 13th Design for Manufacturing
and the Life Cycle Conference - DFMLC2008 -, CD-ROM, The American Society
for Mechanical Engineering (ASME), 2008.
- [4.2.80] Y. Akiyama, Y. Shimomura and T. Arai: A Method of Supporting Conflict-Solving
for Service Design. In Proceedings of the 13th Design for Manufacturing
and the Life Cycle Conference - DFMLC2008 -, CD-ROM, The American Society
for Mechanical Engineering (ASME), 2008.
- [4.2.81] T. Tateyama, H. Chin, S. Kawata and Y. Shimomura: Development
and Improvement of Scene Transition Nets(STN) GUI Simulator for Discrete-continuous
Hybrid Systems. In Proceedings of the 4th China-Korea Joint Conference
on Geometric and Visual Computing & IJCC Workshop (CKJC2008 & IJCC
Workshop), Hefei, China, pp.140-143, 2008.
- [4.2.82] H. Kato, T. Hara, Y. Shimomura and T. Arai: A Unified Representation
Scheme of Service Activity and Product. In Proceedings of XVIII International
RESER Conference, CD-ROM, RESER, Stuttgard, Germany, 2008.
- [4.2.83] K. Takahashi, A. Sugiyama, Y. Shimomura, T. Tateyama, R. Chiba,
M. Yoshioka and H. Takeda: Web-based knowledge database construction method
for supporting design. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference
on Information Integration and Web-based Applications and Services, pp.
575-578, Linz, Austria, 2008.
- [4.2.84] S. Hosono, M. Hasegawa, T. Hara, Y. Shimomura and T. Arai: A Methodology
of Persona-centric Service Design. In Proceedings of CIRP Design Conference
2009, pp. 541-546, CIRP, Cranfield, UK, 2009.
- [4.2.85] T. Hara, T. Arai and Y. Shimomura: "A Method to analyze PSS
from the viewpoints of function, service activity, and product behavior".
In Proceedings of CIRP IPS2 Conference 2009, pp. 180-185, CIRP, Cranfield,
UK, 2009.
- [4.2.86] K. Kimita, T. Hara, Y. Shimomura and T. Arai: Cost Evaluation
Method for Service Design Based on Activity Based Costing. In Proceedings
of CIRP, IPS2 Conference 2009, pp. 224-229, CIRP, Cranfield, UK, 2009.
- [4.2.87] Y. Akiyama, Y. Shimomura, and T. Arai: A Method of Supporting
Conflict Resolution for Service Designing. In Proceedings of CIRP, IPS2
Conference 2009, pp. 54-61, CIRP, Cranfield, UK, 2009.
- [4.2.88] M. Lindahl, T. Sakao, E. Sundin and Y. Shimomura: Product/Service
Systems Experiences - an International Survey of Swedish, Japanese, Italian
and German Manufacturing Companies. In Proceedings of CIRP, IPS2 Conference
2009, pp. 74-81, CIRP, Cranfield, UK, 2009.
- [4.2.89] K. Kimita, F. Akasaka, A. Ronnback, T. Sakao and Y. Shimomura:
Requirement Analysis for User-Oriented Service Design. In Proceedings of
the 42nd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, CIRP, CD-ROM. Grenoble,
France, 2009.
- [4.2.90] K. Watanabe, K. Kimita and Y. Shimomura: Requirement Negotiation Process for the Design of Cooperative Services. In Proceedings of the 42nd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, CIRP, CD-ROM, Grenoble, France, 2009.
- [4.2.91] T. Hara, T. Arai and Y. Shimomura: A Modeling Method of Services
on Their Contents and Delivery Processes. In Proceedings of the 17th International
Conference on Engineering Design -ICED09-, CD-ROM, 323-332, Stanford, USA,
- [4.2.92] T. Tateyama, Y. Shimomura and S. Kawata: Development of Scene
Transition Nets (STN) GUI Simulator for Service Flow Simulation. In Proceedings
of the 17th International Conference on Engineering Design -ICED09-, CD-ROM,
337-346, Stanford, USA, 2009.
- [4.2.93] K. Watanabe, K. Kimita, T. Tateyama and Y. Shimomura: Requirement
Negotiation for Feasible Service Development. In Proceedings of the 17th
International Conference on Engineering Design -ICED09-, CD-ROM, pp. 595-606,
Stanford, USA, 2009.
- [4.2.94] K. Watanabe, K. Kimita, F. Akasaka and Y. Shimomura: Requirement
Analysis and Negotiation for Feasible Service Development. In Proceedings
of the 35th Design Automation Conference - DAC2009 -, CD-ROM, The American
Society for Mechanical Engineering (ASME), San Diego, USA, 2009.
- [4.2.95] S. Hosono, A. Kuno, M. Hasegawa, T. Hara, Y. Shimomura and T.
Arai: A Framework of Co-creating Business Values for IT Services. In Proceedings
of IEEE 2009 International Conference on Cloud Computing -CLOUD-II 2009-,
CD-ROM, pp. 167-174, IEEE, Bangalore, India, 2009.
- [4.2.96] S. Hosono, T. Hara, Y. Shimomura, T. Arai: Prioritizing Service
Functions with Non-Functional Requirements. In Proceedings of CIRP, IPS2
Conference 2010, pp. 133-140, CIRP, Linkoeping, Sweden, 2010.
- [4.2.97] K. Kimita, F. Akasaka, S. Hosono and Y. Shimomura: Design Method
for Concurrent PSS Development. In Proceedings of CIRP, IPS2 Conference
2010, pp. 283-290, CIRP, Linkoeping, Sweden, 2010.
- [4.2.98] F. Akasaka, S. Hosono, K. Kimita, M. Nakajima and Y. Shimomura:
Requirement Analysis for Strategic Improvement of a B2B Service. In Proceedings
of CIRP, IPS2 Conference 2010, pp. 117-124, CIRP, Linkoeping, Sweden, 2010.
- [4.2.99] F. Akasaka, S. Hosono, M. Nakajima, K. Kimita and Y. Shimomura:
Service Engineering: Requirement Analysis for the Improvement of Product-Service
Systems. In Proceeding of the 11th International Design Conference, Dubrovnik,
Croatia, pp. 117-126, 2010.
- [4.2.100] R. Chiba, F. Akasaka, Y. Shimomura, T. Tateyama and T. Arai:
Contents Quality Design Considering Corporate Resource with Service Engineering.
In Proceeding of the 11th International Design Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia,
pp. 173-182, 2010.
- [4.2.101] K. Kimita, F. Akasaka, S. Hosono and Y. Shimomura: Design Method
for Life Cycle Oriented Product-Service Systems Development. In Proceedings
of the 43rd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, CIRP, CD-ROM. Vienna,
Austria, 2010.
- [4.2.102] K. Oki, K. Watanabe, R. Chiba and Y. Shimomura: A Method for
Supporting Service Design based on Multiple Domain Knowledge. In Proceedings
of the 36th Design Automation Conference - DAC2010 -, CD-ROM, The American
Society for Mechanical Engineering (ASME), Montreal, Canada, 2010.
- [4.2.103] S. Yamamoto, K. Kimita and Y. Shimomura: An Importance Decision
Method of Customer's Demands for Highly Public Service. In Proceedings
of the 15th Design for Manufacturing and the Lifecycle Conference - DFMLC2010
-, CD-ROM, The American Society for Mechanical Engineering (ASME), Montreal,
Canada, 2010.
- [4.2.104] M. Nakajima, H. Kato and Y. Shimomura: A Method for Service Function
Improvement Starting from the Service Delivery Process. In Proceedings
of the 15th Design for Manufacturing and the Lifecycle Conference - DFMLC2010
-, CD-ROM, The American Society for Mechanical Engineering (ASME), Montreal,
Canada, 2010.
- [4.2.105] T. Tateyama, Y. Shimomura, S. Mikoshiba and S. Kawata: Service
Flow Simulator using Scene Transition Nets (STN) including Satisfaction-Attribute
Value Functions. In Proceedings of the 30th Computers and Information in
Engineering Conference - CIE2010 -, CD-ROM, The American Society for Mechanical
Engineering (ASME), Montreal, Canada, 2010.
- [4.2.106] S. Hosono, H. Huang, T. Hara, Y. Shimomura and T. Arai: A Lifetime
Supporting Framework for Cloud Applications. In Proceedings of the 3rd
International Conference on Cloud Computing - IEEE CLOUD 2010 -, CD-ROM,
IEEE, Miami, U.S.A., 2010.
- [4.2.107] S. Hosono, K. Kimita, F. Akasaka, T. Hara, Y. Shimomura and T.
Arai: Toward Establishing Design Methods for Cloud-based Systems. In Proceedings
of CIRP, IPS2 Conference 2011, pp. 195-200, CIRP, Braunschweig, Germany,
- [4.2.108] F. Akasaka, R. Chiba and Y. Shimomura: An Engineering Method
to Support Customer-Oriented Service Improvement. In Proceedings of CIRP,
IPS2 Conference 2011, pp. 87-92, CIRP, Braunschweig, Germany, 2011.
- [4.2.109] Y. Kitai, K. Oki, K. Kimita, K. Watanabe, R. Chiba and Y.Shimomura:
A Proposal for Service Design Support System using Knowledge from Web Resources.
In Proceedings of the 44th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, CIRP,
CD-ROM. Madison, U.S.A., 2011.
- [4.2.110] R. Chiba, F. Akasaka, T. Tateyama, K. Watanabe and Y. Shimomura: Contents Parameter Design using Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization for Service Improvement. In Proceedings of the 44th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, CIRP, CD-ROM. Madison, U.S.A., 2011.
- [4.2.111] S. Hosono, M. Min, K. Kimita, F. Akasaka, Y. Shimomura, T. Hara
and T. Arai: Architecture Design and Assessment with Design Matrix. In
Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Service - IEEE SERVICES 2011 -,
CD-ROM, pp. 83-84, IEEE, Washington DC, U.S.A., 2011.
- [4.2.112] K. Watanabe, S. Mikoshiba, T. Tateyama, K. Kimita and Y. Shimomura:
Service Design Methodology for Cooperative Services. In Proceedings of
the 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conference - IDETC2011
-, CD-ROM, The American Society for Mechanical Engineering (ASME), Washington
DC, U.S.A., 2011.
- [4.2.113] T. Ota, K. Kimita, S. Hosono and Y. Shimomura: An Efficient Conflict
Detecting Method for Service Design. In Proceedings of the 2011 International
Design Engineering Technical Conference - IDETC2011 -, CD-ROM, The American
Society for Mechanical Engineering (ASME), Washington DC, U.S.A., 2011.
- [4.2.114] K. Kimita ,S. Hosono and Y. Shimomura: A Service Sructural Analysis
based on Functional Dependency. In Proceedings of the 2011 International
Design Engineering Technical Conference - IDETC2011 -, CD-ROM, The American
Society for Mechanical Engineering (ASME), Washington DC, U.S.A., 2011.
- [4.2.115] T. Tateyama, S. Kawata, Y. Shimomura, K. Watanabe and R. Chiba:
Scene Transition Nets Simulator for Multi-aspect Modeling of Discrete-continuous
Hybrid Systems, In Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Informatics
in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2011), Vol.2, pp.467-474, Noordwijkerhout,
The Netherlands, 2011.
- [4.2.116] Y. Nemoto, F. Akasaka, R. Chiba and Y. Shimomura: Establishment
of a Function Embodiment Knowledge Base for Supporting Service Design,
In Proceedings of 2011 Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering
(ACDDE 2011), Vol.1, pp.48-53, Shanghai, China, 2011.
- [4.2.117] Y. Kurita, T. Ota, K. Kimita and Y. Shimomura: A Method for Analyzing
Service Failure Causes, In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference
on Innovation and Management (ICIM 2011), pp.541-548, Fukuoka, Japan, 2011.
- [4.2.118] K. Kimita, T. Tateyama and Y. Shimomura: Process Simulation Method
for Product-Service Systems Design. In Proceedings of the 45th CIRP Conference
on Manufacturing Systems, CIRP, pp. 555-560, CD-ROM. Athens, Greece, 2012.
- [4.2.119] F. Akasaka, Y. Nemoto, R. Chiba, and Y. Shimomura: Development
of PSS Design Support System: Knowledge-based Design Support and Qualitative
Evaluation. In Proceedings of the 45th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing
Systems, CIRP, pp. 271-278, CD-ROM. Athens, Greece, 2012.
- [4.2.120] Y. Nemoto, F. Akasaka and Y. Shimomura: Development of a System
for Knowledge-based Product-Service System Design Support. In Proceeding
of the 12th International Design Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, pp. 259-268,
CD-ROM, 2012.
- [4.2.121] K. Kimita and Y. Shimomura: Design Method for Modular Product-Service System Architecture. In Proceeding of the 12th International Design Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, pp. 979-988, CD-ROM, 2012.
- [4.2.122] S. Hosono and Y. Shimomura: Application Lifecycle Kit for Mass Customization on PaaS Platforms. In Proceedings of 8th IEEE World Congress on Services - IEEE WCS 2012 -, CD-ROM, in-printing, IEEE, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A., 2012.
- [4.2.123] F. Akasaka, K. Fujita and Y. Shimomura: PSS Business Case Map:
Supporting Idea Generation in PSS Design. In Proceedings of the 2012 International
Design Engineering Technical Conference - IDETC2012 -, CD-ROM, The American
Society for Mechanical Engineering (ASME), Chicago, U.S.A., 2012.
- [4.2.124] Y. Kurita, K. Kimita and Y. Shimomura: A Service Failure Modes Identifying Method to Realize Highly Reliable Services. In Proceedings of the 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conference - IDETC2012 -, CD-ROM, The American Society for Mechanical Engineering (ASME), Chicago, U.S.A., 2012.
- [4.2.125] T. Tateyama, S. Mikoshiba, K. Kimita, K. Watanabe, R. Chiba,
Y. Shimomura and S. Kawata: A Multi-aspect Modeling Method for Service
Flow Simulation Using Scene Transition Nets (STNs). In Proceedings of the
2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conference - IDETC2012
-, CD-ROM, The American Society for Mechanical Engineering (ASME), Chicago,
U.S.A., 2012.
- [4.2.126] K. Watanabe and Y. Shimomura: Design of Cooperative Service Process
for Effective PSS Development. In Proceedings of CIRP, IPS2 Conference
2012, pp. 321-326, CIRP, Tokyo, Japan, 2012.
- [4.2.127] F. Akasaka, N. H. Nguyen, Y. Nemoto, B. Lenz, Y. Shimomura and
R. Stark: Adaptation of the Service Self Checklist for Industrial Product-Service
Systems. In Proceedings of CIRP, IPS2 Conference 2012, pp. 499-504, CIRP,
Tokyo, Japan, 2012.
- [4.2.128] S. Hosono and Y. Shimomura: Towards Establishing Mass Customization
Methods for Cloud-compliant Services. In Proceedings of CIRP, IPS2 Conference
2012, pp. 447-452, CIRP, Tokyo, Japan, 2012.
- [4.2.129] T. Tateyama, K. Kimita, K. Watanabe, R. Chiba, Y. Shimomura and
S. Kawata: A Service Flow Simulation Method using Multi-aspect Scene Transition
Nets (STNs) Modeling. In Proceedings of CIRP, IPS2 Conference 2012, pp.
297-302, CIRP, Tokyo, Japan, 2012.
- [4.2.130] Y. Nemoto, F. Akasaka and Y. Shimomura: A Knowledge-Based Design
Support Method for Product-Service Contents Design. In Proceedings of CIRP,
IPS2 Conference 2012, pp. 49-54, CIRP, Tokyo, Japan, 2012.
- [4.2.131] Y. Kurita, K. Uei, K. Kimita and Y. Shimomura: A Method for Supporting
Service Cost Analysis. In Proceedings of CIRP, IPS2 Conference 2012, pp.
517-522, CIRP, Tokyo, Japan, 2012.
- [4.2.132] K. Fujita, F. Akasaka, K. Kimita, Y. Nemoto, Y. Kurita and Y.
Shimomura: Supporting Idea Generation in Business Design in Manufacturing
Industries, In Proceedings of 2012 Asian Conference on Design and Digital
Engineering (ACDDE 2012), Vol.1, CD-ROM, Niseko, Japan, 2012.
- [4.2.133] S. Hosono and Y. Shimomura: Towards Establishing Production Patterns
to Manage Service Co-creation. In Proceedings of CIRP, IPS2 Conference
2013, pp. 95-106, CIRP, Bochum, Germany, 2013.
- [4.2.134] F. Akasaka, Y. Nemoto and Y. Shimomura: Product-Service Systems
Design focusing on System Aspect: Total Value Creation for Various Stakeholders.
In Proceedings of CIRP, IPS2 Conference 2013, pp. 371-382, CIRP, Bochum,
Germany, 2013.
- [4.2.135] K. Ota, Y. Kurita, F. Akasaka, K. Kimita and Y. Shimomura: Extraction
of Customers’ Potential Requirements using Service Scenario Planning.
In Proceedings of CIRP, IPS2 Conference 2013, pp. 63-74, CIRP, Bochum,
Germany, 2013.
- [4.2.136] Y. Nemoto, F. Akasaka and Y. Shimomura: Knowledge-Based Design
Support System for Conceptual Design of Product-Service Systems. In Proceedings
of CIRP, IPS2 Conference 2013, pp. 41-52, CIRP, Bochum, Germany, 2013.
- [4.2.137] K. Kimita, F. Akasaka and Y. Shimomura: A Method for Exploring
PSS Technologies Based on Customer Needs. In Proceedings of CIRP, IPS2
Conference 2013, pp. 215-225, CIRP, Bochum, Germany, 2013.
- [4.2.138] K. Kimita, Y. Kurita, K. Watanabe, T. Tateyama and Y. Shimomura:
Service Simulation Method for Managing Uncertainty. In Proceedings of HCI
International 2013, pp. 569-578, Las Vegas, USA, 2013.
- [4.2.139] Y. Kurita, K. Kimita, K. Watanabe and Y. Shimomura: A Method
for Service Failure Effects Analysis based on Customer Satisfaction. In
Proceedings of HCI International 2013, pp. 485-494, Las Vegas, USA, 2013.
- [4.2.140] Y. Nemoto and Y. Shimomura: Model-based Framework for Management
of PSS Design Knowledge. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference
on Engineering Design -ICED13-, CD-ROM, Seoul, Korea, 2013.
- [4.2.141] Y. Nemoto, F. Akasaka and Y. Shimomura: A Knowledge Management
Method for Supporting Conceptual Design of Product-Service Systems. In
Proceedings of the 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conference
- IDETC2013 -, CD-ROM, The American Society for Mechanical Engineering
(ASME), Portland, U.S.A., 2013.
- [4.2.142] Y. Kurita, K. Kimita, K. Watanabe and Y. Shimomura: Service Failure
Effects Analysis based on Customer Perspective. In Proceedings of the 2013
International Design Engineering Technical Conference - IDETC2013 -, CD-ROM,
The American Society for Mechanical Engineering (ASME), Portland, U.S.A.,
- [4.2.143] J. Saito, Y. Kurita, F. Akasaka and Y. Shimomura: A Method for
Structuring Service Failure Factors to Realize Highly Reliable Services,
In Proceedings of 2013 Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering
(ACDDE 2013), Vol.1, pp. 509-518, CD-ROM, Seoul, Korea, 2013.
- [4.2.144] G. Pezzotta, R. Pinto, F. Pirola, S. Cavalieri, F. Akasaka, Y.
Shimomura: Service Engineering and Reengineering Framework: an application
in a PSS context. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances
in Production Management Systems 2013 (APMS 2013), Pennsylvania, U.S.A.,
- [4.2.145] K. Watanabe, H. Miwa, Y. Kurita, T. Nishimura, Y. Shimomura:
Service Process Analysis for the Design of Service Jobs. In Proceedings
of XXIII International RESER Conference, CD-ROM, RESER, Aix en Provence,
France, 2013.
- [4.2.146] S. Hosono and Y. Shimomura: Towards Facilitating Servitization
in IT Service Systems. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference
on Serviceology - ICServe2013 -, pp. 126-129, CD-ROM, The Society for Serviceology,
Tokyo, Japan, 2013.
- [4.2.147] K. Uei, Y. Nemoto and Y. Shimomura: EDIPS: Effective and Enjoyable
Product-Service System Design Education through Active Thinking. In Proceedings
of the 1st International Conference on Serviceology - ICServe2013 -, pp.
85-91, CD-ROM, The Society for Serviceology, Tokyo, Japan, 2013.
- [4.2.148] K. Kimita and Y. Shimomura: A Review of Design Methods and Evaluation
Tools for Product-Service Systems. In Proceedings of the 1st International
Conference on Serviceology - ICServe2013 -, pp. 73-76, CD-ROM, The Society
for Serviceology, Tokyo, Japan, 2013.
- [4.2.149] S. Hosono and Y. Shimomura: Asset Development and Reuse Strategy
in Cloud-compliant Service Development. In Proceedings of 15th International
Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE), pp. 311-316, the Japan Society
of Precision Engineering, Ishikawa, Japan, 2014.
- [4.2.150] K. Kawase, J. Shido, Y. Nemoto, F. Akasaka and Y. Shimomura:
A Method for Visualizing Service Values Using Monte Carlo Simulation. In
Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE),
pp. 317-320, the Japan Society of Precision Engineering, Ishikawa, Japan,
- [4.2.151] S. Hosono and Y. Shimomura: Asset-based Service Production under
Uncertainty. In Proceedings of CIRP, IPS2 Conference 2014, USB, CIRP, Windsor,
Canada, 2014. (was published as 2.2.58)
- [4.2.152] Y. Nemoto, K. Uei, S. Mizoguchi and Y. Shimomura: Strategic Thinking
in EDIPS: Edutainment for Designing Product-Service Systems. In Proceedings
of CIRP, IPS2 Conference 2014, USB, CIRP, Windsor, Canada, 2014. (was published
as 2.2.59)
- [4.2.153] J. Saito, Y. Kurita, K. Kimita and Y. Shimomura: A Method for
Analyzing Service Failure Factors based on Multiple Perspectives. In Proceedings
of CIRP, IPS2 Conference 2014, USB, CIRP, Windsor, Canada, 2014. (was published
as 2.2.60)
- [4.2.154] K. Kimita and Y. Shimomura: Development of the Design Guideline
for Product-Service Systems. In Proceedings of CIRP, IPS2 Conference 2014,
USB, CIRP, Windsor, Canada, 2014. (was published as 2.2.61)
- [4.2.155] K. Uei, T. Fujiwara, Y. Nemoto and Y. Shimomura: Learning Effect
Evaluation of an Educational Tool for Product-Service System Design. In
Proceeding of the 13th International Design Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia,
pp. 1431-1440, CD-ROM, 2014.
- [4.2.156] Y. Nemoto, K. Uei, H. Tanaka, F. Akasaka, K. Kimita K. Sato and
Y. Shimomura: Visualizing Common and Collision Requirements of Multiple
Stakeholders for Service Improvement. In Proceedings of 15th International
Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE), pp. 843-844, the Japan Society
of Precision Engineering, Ishikawa, Japan, 2014.
- [4.2.157] K. Uei, T. Fujiwara, A. Kazawa, Y. Nemoto, K. Kimita and Y. Shimomura:
Learning Effect Evaluation of an Educational Tool for Product-Service System
Design Based on a Viewpoint of Learner. In Proceedings of HCI International
2014, pp. 643-652, Creta, Greece, 2014.
- [4.2.158] K. Kimita, Y. Nemoto and Y. Shimomura: Application of a Requirement
Analysis Template to Lectures in a Higher Education Institution. In Proceedings
of HCI International 2014, pp. 594-601, Creta, Greece, 2014.
- [4.2.159] Y. Nemoto, K. Uei, K. Kimita, T. Ishii and Y. Shimomura: A Conceptual
Model of Co-Growth of Provider and Receiver towards Value Co-Creative Service.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Serviceology - ICServe2014
-, pp. 124-126, CD-ROM, The Society for Serviceology, Kanagawa, Japan,
- [4.2.160] K. Kimita, Y. Nemoto and Y. Shimomura: Value Analysis Method
for Learner Centered Instructional Design. In Proceedings of the 2nd International
Conference on Serviceology - ICServe2014 -, pp. 143-144, CD-ROM, The Society
for Serviceology, Kanagawa, Japan, 2014.
- [4.2.161] K. Muto, K. Kimita and Y. Shimomura: A Guideline for the Product-Service-Systems
Design Process, In Proceedings of 2014 Asian Conference on Design and Digital
Engineering (ACDDE 2014), USB, Jinan, China, 2014.
- [4.2.162] Y. Nemoto, K. Uei, K. Sato and Y. Shimomura: A Context-Based
Requirements Analysis Method for PSS Design. In Proceedings of CIRP, IPS2
Conference 2015, USB, CIRP, St. Etienne, France, 2015. (was published as
- [4.2.163] K. Muto, Y. Nemoto, K. Kimita and Y. Shimomura: A Guideline for
Product-Service-Systems Design Process. In Proceedings of CIRP, IPS2 Conference
2015, USB, CIRP, St. Etienne, France, 2015. (was published as 2.2.64)
- [4.2.164] E. Numata, S. Hosono, H. Sakaki, S. Izukura, K. Kimita and Y.
Shimomura: Disciplines for Designing PSS Actor Network . In Proceedings
of CIRP, IPS2 Conference 2015, USB, CIRP, St. Etienne, France, 2015. (was
published as 2.2.65)
- [4.2.165] S. Izukura, S. Hosono, H. Sakaki, E. Numata, K. Kimita and Y.
Shimomura: Bridging Non-functional Requirements and IT Service Design.
In Proceedings of CIRP, IPS2 Conference 2015, USB, CIRP, St. Etienne, France,
2015. (was published as 2.2.66)
- [4.2.166] S. Mizoguchi, T. Ishii, Y. Nemoto, M. Kaneda, A. Bando, T. Nakamura
and Y. Shimomura: A Method for Supporting Customer Model Construction Using
a Topic Model for Public Service Design. In Proceedings of the 3rd International
Conference on Serviceology - ICServe2015 -, CD-ROM, The Society for Serviceology,
San Jose, U.S.A., 2015.
- [4.2.167] H. Tanaka, Y. Noto, Y. Nemoto and Y. Shimomura: A Method for
Visualizing Product-Service System Design Process. In Proceedings of the
3rd International Conference on Serviceology - ICServe2015 -, CD-ROM, The
Society for Serviceology, San Jose, U.S.A., 2015.
- [4.2.168] Y. Morishita, F. Murakami, K. Kimita, S. Hosono, S. Izukura,
H. Sakaki, E. Numata and Y. Shimomura: Qualitative Simulation for Early-Stage
Service Design. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Serviceology
- ICServe2015 -, CD-ROM, The Society for Serviceology, San Jose, U.S.A.,
2015. (cited as the best practional award)
- [4.2.169] K. Kimita, K. Muto, S. Mizoguchi, Y. Nemoto, T. Ishii and Y.
Shimomura: Learning State Model for Value Co-Creative Education Services.
In Proceedings of HCI International 2015, pp. 341-349, Los Angeles, U.S.A.,
- [4.2.170] T. Ishii, S. Mizoguchi, K. Kimita and Y. Shimomura: A Topic Model
for Clustering Learners based on Contents in Educational Counseling. In
Proceedings of HCI International 2015, pp. 324-331, Los Angeles, U.S.A.,
- [4.2.171] K. Muramatsu, K. Kimita, T. Ishii, Y. Nemoto, E. Tanaka, K. Watanuki,
T. Matsui and Y. Shimomura: Ontological Descriptions of Receiver States
for Sharing Knowledge in Learning Service Design, In Proceedings of 2015
International Design and Concurrent Engineering Conference (iDECON 2015),
CD-ROM, Tokushima, Japan, 2015. (cited as the best paper award)
- [4.2.172] K. Kimita, Y. Nemoto, and Y. Shimomura: A Method for PSS Business
Planning Based on Life Cycle Cost Assessment, In Proceedings of 2015 Asian
Conference on Design and Digital Engineering (ACDDE 2015), Vol.1, CD-ROM,
Fukuoka, Japan, 2015.
- [4.2.173] Y. Noto, K. Muto, Y. Nemoto, K. Sato and Y. Shimomura: A Framework
for Customer Goal Modelling Considering Value-in-Context, In Proceedings
of 2015 Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering (ACDDE 2015),
Vol.1, CD-ROM, Fukuoka, Japan, 2015.
- [4.2.174] E. Numata, S. Hosono, I. Kohno, N. Iwata and Y. Shimomura: Nourishing
Human-centered Mindset in Service Design, In Proceedings of 2015 Asian
Conference on Design and Digital Engineering (ACDDE 2015), Vol.1, CD-ROM,
Fukuoka, Japan, 2015.
- [4.2.175] Y. Morishita, F. Murakami, K. Kimita, S. Hosono, S. Izukura,
H. Sakaki, E. Numata and Y. Shimomura: Qualitative Simulation for Early-Stage
Service Design. In Proceeding of the 9th International Symposium on Environmentally
Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing (Eco Design 2015), Tokyo, pp.
327-334, 2015.
- [4.2.176] T. Ishii, K. Kimita, K. Muramastu and Y. Shimomura: An Analysis
of Learners’ Reports for Measuring Co-creational Education. In Proceeding
of the 18th International Conference on Education and Educational Technology
(ICEET 2016), Barcelona, pp. 739-743, 2016.
- [4.2.177] R. Sugino, S. Mizoguchi, K. Kimita and Y. Shimomura: A Method
for Consensus Building between Teachers and Learners in Value Co-Creative
Learning Service. In Proceeding of the 18th International Conference on
Education and Educational Technology (ICEET 2016), Barcelona, pp. 733-738,
- [4.2.178] K. Muto, K. Kimita, H. Tanaka, E. Numata, S. Hosono, S. Izukura,
T. Sakaki and Y. Shimomura: A Task Management Method for Product-Service-Systems
Design. In Proceedings of CIRP IPS2 Conference 2016, pp. 537-542, CIRP,
Bergamo, Italy, 2016. (was published as 2.2.70)
- [4.2.179] K. Kimita, R. Sugino, M. Rossi and Y. Shimomura: Framework for
Representing Customer Involvement in Product-Service Systems. In Proceedings
of CIRP IPS2 Conference 2016, pp. 54-59, CIRP, Bergamo, Italy, 2016. (was
published as 2.2.71)
- [4.2.180] S. Hosono, E. Numata and Y. Shimomura: Servitization Methodology
in ICT Service System Design. In Proceedings of CIRP IPS2 Conference 2016,
pp. 18-23, CIRP, Bergamo, Italy, 2016. (was published as 2.2.72)
- [4.2.181] F. Murakami, Y. Morishita, K. Kimita, S. Hosono, S. Izukura,
H. Sakaki, E. Numata and Y. Shimomura: Application of Qualitative Simulation
for Early-Stage Service Design. In Proceeding of the 14th International
Design Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, pp. 381-390, 2016. (cited as the
outstanding contribution)
- [4.2.182] E. Numata, S. Hosono and Y. Shimomura: Conceptual Design Framework
for ICT Servie Systems Development and Delivery. In Proceeding of the 14th
International Design Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, pp. 391-400, 2016.
- [4.2.183] K. Muto, K. Kimita, H. Tanaka, E. Numata, S. Hosono, S. Izukura
and Y. Shimomura: An Ideation Framework for Product Service Systems Conceptual
Design. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Serviceology
- ICServe2016 -, CD-ROM, The Society for Serviceology, Tokyo, Japan, 2016.
- [4.2.184] Y. Idei, R. Sugino, K. Muto, K. Kimita and Y. Shimomura: A Method
for Analyzing Design Process of Value Co-creative Service, In Proceedings
of 2015 Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering (ACDDE 2016),
Jeju, Korea, 2016.(abstract only)
- [4.2.185] R. Sugino, S. Mizoguchi, K. Kimita, K. Muramatsu, T. Matsui,
Y. Shimomura: A Method for Consensus Building between Teachers and Learners
in a Value Co-Creative Learning Service. In Proceedings of HCI International
2016, CD-ROM, Tronto, Canada, 2016.
- [4.2.186] S. Hosono and Y. Shimomura: Bridging On-site Practices and Design
Principles for Service Development. In Proceedings of CIRP Design Conference
2017, pp. 422-427, CIRP, Cranfield, UK, 2017.
- [4.2.187] Y. Kubota, F. Murakami, K. Kimita and Y. Shimomura: The task
to design highly service-oriented Product-Service System. In Proceedings
of CIRP Design Conference 2017, pp. 416-421, CIRP, Cranfield, UK, 2017.
- [4.2.188] Y. Mitake, Y. Noto, K. Kimita and Y. Shimomura: A Context Extracting
Method for PSS Improvement Design. In Proceedings of CIRP IPS2 Conference
2017, pp. 312-317, CIRP, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2017. (was published as 2.2.78)
- [4.2.189] K. Kimita, K. Toya, S. Tanno and Y. Shimomura: A Survey of Servitization
Barriers in Japanese Manufacturers. In Proceedings of the 5th International
Conference on Serviceology - ICServe2017 -, pp. 311-314, CD-ROM, The Society
for Serviceology, Vienna, Austria, 2017.
- [4.2.190] Y. Tsutsui, Y. Kubota and Y. Shimomura: A Bayesian network model for supporting formation of PSS design knowledge. In Proceedings of CIRP IPS2 Conference 2018, pp. 56-60, CIRP, Linkoping, Sweden, 2018. (was published as 2.2.79)
- [4.2.191] S. Minato, Y. Idei, Y. Mitake, K. Muto and Y. Shimomura: A Design
Process Management Method for Product-Service Systems. In Proceeding of
the 15th International Design Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, USB, (doi
10.21278/idc.2018.0300), 2018.
- [4.2.192] Y. Tsutsui, K. Hiramitsu, Y. Mitake, M. Sholihah and Y. Shimomura:
Context Data Acquisition Tool to Improve Wide Range Services, In Proceedings
of 2018 Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering (ACDDE 2018),
USB, Okinawa, Japan, 2018.
- [4.2.193] M. Sholihah, Y. Mitake, K. Yuasa and Y. Shimomura: Innovative
Design Method for Valuable Product Service System: Relationship of Multi-stakeholders'
Requirements and Lifecycle Cost Approach, In Proceedings of 2018 Asian
Conference on Design and Digital Engineering (ACDDE 2018), USB, Okinawa,
Japan, 2018.
- [4.2.194] Y. Mitake, T. Maezono, M. Sholihah and Y. Shimomura: EDIPS: Development
of a Business Game for Experiencing Product-Service System Business Principle,
In Proceedings of 2018 Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering
(ACDDE 2018), USB, Okinawa, Japan, 2018.
- [4.2.195] Y. Mitake, Y. Tsutsui and Y. Shimomura: A Context Asymmetry Analysis
Method for Successful PSS Design. In Proceedings of CIRP IPS2 Conference
2019, USB, CIRP, Zhuhai, China, 2019. (was published as 2.2.82)
- [4.2.196] M. Sholihah, T. Maezono, Y. Mitake and Y. Shimomura: Towards
Development a PSS Business Evaluation: Proposal of Internal and External
Analysis for Sevitizing Manufacturers. In Proceedings of CIRP IPS2 Conference
2019, USB, CIRP, Zhuhai, China, 2019. (was published as 2.2.83)
- [4.2.197] S. Abe, Y. Tsutsui, Y. Mitake, M. Sholihah, N. Hara and Y. Shimomura:
An Asymmetry Analysis Method to Support Value Co-creation in Product/Service
Design. In Proceedings of CIRP Design Conference 2019, pp. 442-446, CIRP,
Povoa de Varzim, Portugal, 2019. (was published as 2.2.84)
- [4.2.198] S. Hosono and Y. Shimomura: Qualitative Behavior Model for Cloud
Services Delivery, In Proceedings of International Congress and Conferences
on Computational Design and Engineering 2019 (I3CDE 2019), USB, Penang,
Malaysis, 2019.
- [4.2.199] R. Suzuki, R. Onishi, K. Kasamatsu,Y. Shimomura, O. Nitta, R.
Motegi, S. Tsuchiya, N. Shida and N. Takesue: Development of Boccia Robot
and Its Throwing Support Interface. In Proceedings of HCI International
2019, CD-ROM, Florida, USA, 2019.
- [4.2.200] Y. Mitake, K. Hiramitsu, Y. Tsutui, M. Sholihah and Y. Shimomura:
A Tool for Fostering Empathy in Innovation Design Based on Actor’s Intuitional
View Visualization, In Proceedings of 2019 International Design and Concurrent
Engineering Conference (iDECON 2019), CD-ROM, Fukushima, Japan, 2019.
- [4.2.201] Y. Tsutsui, Y. Mitake, S. Hosono, Y. Nemoto, M. Sholihah and
Y. Shimomura: A Method for Accelerating Design Innovation Using Context
Structuration and Visualization, In Proceedings of 2019 International Design
and Concurrent Engineering Conference (iDECON 2019), CD-ROM, Fukushima,
Japan, 2019.
- [4.2.202] S. Hosono and Y. Shimomura: Qualitative Behavior Model of Web
Services Adapting to Cloud Environments, In Proceedings of 2019 International
Design and Concurrent Engineering Conference (iDECON 2019), CD-ROM, Fukushima,
Japan, 2019.
- [4.2.203] Y. Mitake, K. Hiramitsu, A. Nagayama, N. Muraoka, M. Sholihah
and Y. Shimomura: A Conceptual Framework of Product-Service Systems Design
for Sustainability Transition. In Proceeding of the 16th International
Design Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, pp. 2069-2078, (doi:10.1017/dsd.2020.110),
- [4.2.204] M. Sholihah, T. Nakada, Y. Mitake and Y. Shimomura: Proposal
of a comprehensive product-service system (PSS) evaluation method to support
decision-making process throughout PSS life cycle. In Proceedings of the
Spring Servitization Conference Advanced Services for Sustainability Growth,
pp. 47-55, The Advanced Services Group, Aston Business School, Birmingham,
U.K., 2020.
- [4.2.205] T. Nakada, M. Sholihah, Y. Mitake and Y. Shimomura: Towards the
development of a comprehensive Product-Service System (PSS) evaluation
method. In Proceedings of the 53rd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems,
pp. 802-807, CIRP, Chicago, U.S., 2020. (was published as 2.2.92)
- [4.2.206] Y. Tsutsui, T. Kobayashi, T. Kinoshita, Y. Mitake, M. Sholihah
and Y. Shimomura: A modelling method of customer’s decision making toward
service failure analysis. In Proceedings of International Congress and
Conference on Computational Design and Engineering 2020 (i3CDE 2020), in-printing,
Society for Computational Design and Engineering, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
- [4.2.207] N. Muraoka, A. Nagayama, Y. Mitake, M. Sholihah and Y. Shimomura:
A structural analysis method to identify factors of complex regional issues.
In Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Precision Engineering
(ICPE), CD-ROM, the Japan Society of Precision Engineering, Hyogo (on line),
Japan, 2020. (cited as the young researcher award)
- [4.2.208] H. Yamamoto, Y. Tsutsui, Y. Mitake, S. Alfarisi, H. Wang and
Y. Shimomura: A service structure modelling method for solving receive-provide
conflicts in service offerings, In Proceedings of 2021 International Design
and Concurrent Engineering Conference (iDECON 2021), CD-ROM, Live sessions
via Zoom, Japan, 2021.
- [4.2.209] K. Yokoi, Y. Tsutsui, Y. Mitake, N. Muraoka, S. Alfarisi, H.
Wang and Y. Shimomura: A prescriptive model of cognitive design process
toward highly creative engineering design, In Proceedings of 2021 International
Design and Concurrent Engineering Conference (iDECON 2021), CD-ROM, Live
sessions via Zoom, Japan, 2021.
- [4.2.210] Y. Tsutsui, Y. Mitake, M. Sholihah, S. Hosono and Y. Shimomura:
A design rationale analysis method towards robust artifact design. In Proceedings
of the 23rd International Conference on Engineering Design -ICED21-, pp.
71-80, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2021.
- [4.2.211] Y. Mitake, Y. Tsutsui, S. Alfarihi, M. Sholihah and Y. Shimomura:
A life cycle cost analysis method accelerating IoT implementation in SMEs.
In Proceedings of the 54th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems -CMS2021,
CD-ROM, Athens, Greece (on-line), 2021. (was published as 2.2.95)
- [4.2.212] Y. Inagaki, Y. Mitake, S. Tsuji, S. Alfarisi, H. Wang, Y. Shimomura:
Extracting the relationship between product-service system features and
their implementation barriers based on a literature review. In Proceedings
of CIRP Design Conference 2022, CD-ROM, CIRP, Paris, France, 2022. (was
published as 2.2.99)
- [4.2.213] S. Alfarisi, Y. Mitake, Y. Tsutsui, H. Wang and Y. Shimomura:
A study of the rebound effect on the product-service system: Why should
it be a top priority?. In Proceedings of CIRP Design Conference 2022, CD-ROM,
CIRP, Paris, France, 2022. (was published as 2.2.100)
- [4.2.214] H. Wang, Y. Mitake, Y. Tsutsui, S. Alfarisi and Y. Shimomura:
An ontology for the vulnerability of product-service system. In Proceedings
of the 55th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, pp. 338-343, CIRP,
Lugano, Switzerland, 2022. (was published as 2.2.101)
- [4.2.215] S. Alfarisi, Y. Mitake, Y. Tsutsui, H. Wang and Y. Shimomura:
Exploring product-service system innovation opportunities through the perspective
of risk uncaptured. In Proceedings of 11th International Conference on
Through-life Engineering Services (TESConf 2022), USB, Cranfield University/CIRP,
Cranfield, U.K., 2022.
- [4.2.216] H. Wang, Y. Mitake, Y. Tsutsui, S. Alfarisi and Y. Shimomura:
A modification of P-diagram for the design of robust product service system.
In Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Through-life Engineering
Services (TESConf 2022), USB, Cranfield University/CIRP, Cranfield, U.K.,
- [4.2.217] S. Tsuji, Y. Inagaki, Y. Mitake, S. Alfarisi, H. Wang and Y.
Shimomura: A PSSs configuration support method based on multi-objective
optimization approach. In Proceedings of 19th International Conference
on Precision Engineering (ICPE), the Japan Society of Precision Engineering,
Nara, Japan, 2022.
- [4.2.218] R. Masumura, Y. Tsutsui, K. Yokoi, S. Alfarisi, H. Wang and Y.Shimomura:
Concepts production process model in creative design. In Proceedings of
19th International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE), the Japan
Society of Precision Engineering, Nara, Japan, 2022. (cited as the young
researcher award)
- [4.2.219] T. Kawano, Y. Tsutsui, Y. Mitake, S. Alfarisi, H. Wang and Y.
Shimomura: A typology of design hypothesis for valid and creative design
solutions. In Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Precision
Engineering (ICPE), the Japan Society of Precision Engineering, Nara, Japan,
- [4.2.220] S. Alfarisi, Y. Mitake, Y. Tsutsui, H. Wang and Y. Shimomura:
A conceptional structure for challenging the rebound effect of the product-service
system. In Proceedings of CIRP Design Conference 2023, CD-ROM, pp. 462-467,
CIRP, Sydney, Australia, 2023. (was published as 2.2.108)
- [4.2.221] H. Wang, Y. Mitake, Y. Tsutsui, S. Alfaris and Y. Shimomura:
A requirement analysis method for the design of upgradable product-service
system. In Proceedings of CIRP Design Conference 2023, CD-ROM, pp. 402-407,
CIRP, Sydney, Australia, 2023. (was published as 2.2.109)
- [4.2.222] Y. Mitake, Y. Inagaki, S. Tsuji, Y. Shimomura: Identification
of the causal relationship between features and barriers of product-service
systems based on Bayesian network model. In Proceedings of CIRP Life Cycle
Engineering Conference 2024 (LCE2024), CD-ROM, CIRP, Turin, Italy, 2023.
(was published as 2.2.113)
- [4.2.223] K. Uchiyama, R. Masumura, F. As Sayfullooh and Y. Shimomura:
A cognition conflict resolution method for the appropriate design and operation
of artifacts. In Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Precision
Engineering (ICPE), the Japan Society of Precision Engineering, Miyagi,
Japan, 2024.
- [4.2.224] C. Okamura, S. Tsuji, M. Ashikari, F. As Sayfullooh, N. Hara
and Y. Shimomura: A method for structuring the service use context based
on jobs theory. In Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Precision
Engineering (ICPE), the Japan Society of Precision Engineering, Miyagi,
Japan, 2024.
- [4.2.225] K. Furuya, R. Masumura, F. As Sayfullooh and Y. Shimomura: A
method for evaluating design novelty based on a distributional representation
model. In Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Precision Engineering
(ICPE), the Japan Society of Precision Engineering, Miyagi, Japan, 2024.
- [4.2.226] M. Ashikari, C. Okamura, F. As Sayfullooh and Y. Shimomura: A method to analyse the supply demand structure of product service systems based on customers' and providers' logic. In Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE), the Japan Society of Precision Engineering, Miyagi, Japan, 2024.
- [4.2.227] T. Morishima, K. Furuya, R. Masumura, F. As Sayfullooh and Y.
Shimomura: A theory for finding conceptual voids in creative design support.
In Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Precision Engineering
(ICPE), the Japan Society of Precision Engineering, Miyagi, Japan, 2024.
- [4.2.228] Y. Yoshida, K. Uchiyama, R. Masumura, F. Aa Sayfullooh and Y. Shimomura: A design improvement method for information-circulation design. In Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE), the Japan Society of Precision Engineering, Miyagi, Japan, 2024
- [4.2.229] Y. Suzuki, Y. Tsutsui, Y. Shimomura and A. Tsumaya: A method
for evaluating design hypotheses certainty ensures evidence transparency.
In Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Precision Engineering
(ICPE), the Japan Society of Precision Engineering, Miyagi, Japan, 2024
- [4.2.230] Y. Mitake, S. Tsuji, Y. Shimomura: An optimal design method for
product-service systems using an inventive design approach. In Proceedings
of the Asia Design and Innovation Conference (ADIC 2024), CD-ROM, Shanghai,
China, 2024.
- [4.2.231] F. Assayfullooh, K. Uchiyama, K. Furuya, Y. Shimomura: Indirect
Measurement Method Development for Accurate Quality of Service Assessment.
In Proceedings of CIRP Design Conference 2025, CD-ROM, CIRP, Patras, Greece,
2025. (was published as 2.2.XX)