8. 研究会資料
- [8.1.1] 下村芳樹, 谷川貞夫, 梅田靖, 冨山哲男, 吉川弘之: 自己修復機械における事例知識の利用.
第216回精密工学会生産科学研究会資料, 大阪大, 大阪, 1992.
- [8.1.2] Y. Shimomura, S. Tanigawa, Y. Umeda and T. Tomiyama: Development of Self-maintenance Photocopiers. In the Working Notes of the IJCAI-95 Second Workshop on Engineering Problems for Qualitative Reasoning, IJCAI, pp.123-139, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 1995.
- [8.1.3] Y. Shimomura, S. Tanigawa, H. Takeda, M. Yoshioka, Y. Umeda and T. Tomiyama: Function Evaluation based on Function Content. In AAAI-96 Workshop Working Notes of Reasoning About Function, pp. 68 -77, Portland, California, 1996.
- [8.1.4] Y. Shimomura: A model of functional evaluation and its application. In Proceedings of the 2nd Japan Korea Workshop on CAD/CAM -IT for Brick & Tar Industry-, Korea Society of CAD/CAM engineers, pp.119-133, Kyongju, Korea, 2001.
- [8.1.5] Y. Shimomura and T. Tomiyama: A propsal of service modeling. In
Proceedings of 2003 Society of CAD/CAM Engineers International Symposium,
Society of CAD/CAM Engineers and ETRI, pp. 137-144, Jeju, Korea, 2003.
- [8.1.6] Y. Shimomura, T. Hara, K. Watanabe and T. Sakao: Service Explorer: A Service Design Tool to Create More Added Values on Products. In Proceedings of the 5th Japan Korea Workshop on CAD/CAM -Digital Engineering Workshop-, Korea Society of CAD/CAM engineers, pp. 135-141, Tokyo, 2005.
- [8.1.7] Y. Shimomura and T. Sakao: Service Engineering: A Design Process
Model for Service. In Proceedings of the IJCC Workshop 2006 on Digital
Engineering, Korea Society of CAD/CAM engineers, pp. 107-121, Gangwon-do,
Korea, 2006.
- [8.1.8] Y. Shimomura: Service CAD - An innovative tool for high-level integration
of manufacturing and service development. In Proceedings of the International
Seminar on PSS, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, vol. 1, pp. 83-107, Bochum,
Germany, 2008.
- [8.1.9] Y. Shimomura: Service Engineering - Background, Basis and Growth.
In Proceedings of the International Seminar on Service Engineering in Tokyo,
サービス生産性協議会, 東京, 2008.
- [8.2.1] H. Takeda, M. Yoshioka, T. Tomiyama and Y. Shimomura: Analysis of Design Processes by Function, Behavior and Structure. In the Preprints of the Workshop Analysing Design Activity (The Delft Protocols Workshop), pp. 261-279, Delft University of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands, 1994.
- [8.2.2] T. Sakao, T. Hara, K. Watanabe, Y. Shimomura, A. Raggi, and L. Petti: Service Engineering: A New Engineering Discipline for Industries toward Sustainable Consumption. In Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Sustainable Consumption, pp. 66-82, Tokyo, 2004.
- [8.2.3] Y. Nomaguchi and Y. Shimomura: Development of Knowledge Code Converter for Design Knowledge Management. In Proceedings of the 5th Japan Korea Workshop on CAD/CAM -Digital Engineering Workshop-, Korea Society of CAD/CAM engineers, pp. 66-71, Tokyo, 2005.
- [8.2.4] G. Tian, T. Miura, T. Hara, Y. Shimomura and T. Arai: A Framework for Optimizing and Scheduling Problems of Servicing Processes of Material Distributing Center. In Proceedings of the 5th Japan Korea Workshop on CAD/CAM -Digital Engineering Workshop-, Korea Society of CAD/CAM engineers, pp. 142-147, Tokyo, 2005.
- [8.2.5] T. Tomiyama and Y. Shimomura: A Note on Service Modeling. In Proceedings
of the 5th Japan Korea Workshop on CAD/CAM -Digital Engineering Workshop-,
Korea Society of CAD/CAM engineers, pp. 128-134, Tokyo, 2005.
- [8.2.6] 吉岡真治, 佐藤孝彦, 森本憲悟, 武田英明, 下村芳樹: 創造的設計支援のための仮説的知識生成支援環境Universal
Abduction Studio. 人工知能学会第62回人工知能基本問題研究会 (SIG-FPAI-A504),
pp. 71-76, 夕張マウントレースイ, 北海道, 2006.
- [8.2.7] T. Tateyama, S. Kawata and Y. Shimomura: Development of Scene Transition
Net(STN) GUI Simulator for Discrete-Continuous Hybrid Systems. In Proceedings
of the 7th Japan Korea Workshop on CAD/CAM -Design Engineering Workshop-,
pp. 82-87, Tokyo, 2007.
- [8.2.8] T. Tateyama, Y. Shimomura and S. Kawata: Multi-Agent Service Flow
Simulation Using Scene Transition Nets. In Proceedings of the 9th Japan
Korea Workshop on CAD/CAM -Design Engineering Workshop-, pp. 57-61, Okinawa,
- [8.2.9] F. Akasaka, S. Hosono, K. Yamamura, Y. Shimomura and T. Arai: A Method for Analyzing Customer Requirements in a B2B Service. In Proceedings of the 9th Japan Korea Workshop on CAD/CAM -Design Engineering Workshop-, pp.7-12, Okinawa, 2009.
- [8.2.10] T. Tateyama, S. Mikoshiba, R. Chiba, K. Watanabe, Y. Shimomura
and S. Kawata: A Simulation Tool for Service Visualization and Service
Evaluation. In Proceedings of the 10th Japan Korea Workshop on CAD/CAM
-Design Engineering Workshop-, pp. 135-138, Jeju, Korea, 2010.
- [8.2.11] K. Oki, Y. Kurita, K. Watanabe, R. Chiba and Y. Shimomura: Supporting
System using Multiple Domain Knowledge for Customer Requirements in Service
Design. In Proceedings of the 10th Japan Korea Workshop on CAD/CAM -Design
Engineering Workshop-, pp. 139-142, Jeju, Korea, 2010.
- [8.2.12] 細野繁, 黄河, 原辰徳, 下村芳樹, 新井民夫: クラウドに対応したアプリケーションの開発・実行フレームワーク.
情報処理学会SIGSE Winter Workshop 2011, pp. 61-62, ラフォーレ修善寺, 静岡,
- [8.2.13] K. Ota, S. Mikoshiba, K. Kimita, R. Chiba, T. Tateyama and Y.
Shimomura: A Method to Extract Uncertainty Elements for Service Design.
In Proceedings of the 11th Design Engineering Workshop -DEWS2011-, pp.
82-86, Saga, Japan, 2011.
- [8.2.14] G. Pezzotta, F. Akasaka, S. Cavalieri, Y. Shimomura and P. Gaiardelli:
A Service Engineering procedure for the design and configuration of Product-Service
Systems. In Proceedings of the XVII Summer School "Francesco Turco"
-2012, CD-ROM, Venice, Italy, 2012.
- [8.2.15] 細野繁, 下村芳樹: マス・カスタマイズ開発に向けたモデルチェーンの構築と利用.
情報処理学会SIGSE Winter Workshop 2013 in 那須, pp. 69-70, ラフォーレ那須,
栃木, 2013.
- [8.2.16] G. Pezzotta, F. Pirola, F. Akasaka, S. Cavalieri, Y. Shimomura
and P. Gaiardelli: A Service Engineering framework to design and configure
Product-Service Systems. In Proceedings of the 11th IFAC Workshop on Intelligent
Manufacturing Systems (IMS 2013), pp. 302-307, Sao Pauro, Brazil, 2013.
- [8.2.17] K. Kawase, Y. Nemoto, F. Akasaka and Y. Shimomura: Product Service
Systems Design Focusing on System Aspect: Total Value Creation for Various
Stakeholders. In Proceedings of the 13th Design Engineering Workshop -DEWS2013-,
CD-ROM, Fukuoka, Japan, 2013.
- [8.2.18] K. Kimita and Y. Shimomura: A Review of Design Methods and Evaluation
Tools for Product-Service Systems. In Proceedings of the 13th Design Engineering
Workshop -DEWS2013-, CD-ROM, Fukuoka, Japan, 2013.
- [8.2.19] 石井隆稔, 下村芳樹, 中村修也, 藤森進, 赤倉貴子: 半教師ありトピックモデルを用いた授業評価アンケートの分析手法.
電子情報通信学会 教育工学研究会(ET), 信学技法, Vol. 115, No. 223, ET2015-40,
PP. 43-48, 岡山大学, 岡山, 2015. (was published as 2.2.68)
- [8.2.20] 杉野涼太, 木見田康治, 松居辰則, 下村芳樹: 高等教育における価値共創実現のための授業共同設計支援手法. 教育システム情報学会
2016年度第1回研究会講演論文集, pp. 9-13, 放送大学, 千葉, ISSN:2432-1583, 2016.
- [8.2.21] R. Sugino, Y. Idei, K. Kimita and Y. Shimomura: A Learning Model
for Realizing Value Co-creation in Learning Service. In Proceedings of
the Asian Design Engineering Workshop -A-DEWS2016-, CD-ROM, Osaka, Japan,
2016. (cited as the best young presenter award)
- [8.2.22] K. Kimita, F. Murakami and Y. Shimomura: A qualitative simulation
method for the early stage of service design. In Proceedings of the Asian
Design Engineering Workshop -A-DEWS2016-, CD-ROM, Osaka, Japan, 2016.
- [8.2.23] 木下忠明, 三竹祐矢, 筒井優介, 和田一義, 井上薫, 下村芳樹: アザラシ型ロボット・パロを用いたロボットセラピーの可視化手法.
第11回アザラシ型ロボット・パロによるロボットセラピー研究会講演論文集, CD-ROM, IKE Biz としま産業振興プラザ, 東京, 2019.